Customer Review of Senior Writer CV Writing by AM

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Senior Writer CV Writing

4.4 out of 5
 | 12 reviews
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To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.

Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;

  • By providing additional timestamps via our Verified Purchase badge.
  • By publishing reviews swiftly whether they are good or bad (as well as responding to them).
  • By continuing to accept and encourage reviews on legitimate 3rd party review sites like TrustPilot and Google alongside our own review platform.
  • As soon as we are able to have our reviews cryptographically signed a la blockchain by our customers, we will!
Reviewed on | Specialist CV |Verified Purchase

the writer just ask a jobs you want to apply then the write about it

A profile picture depicting null.
Peter- Chief Executive Officer
Hi AM! I am afraid this is a really unfair review of the level of work that went into your CV - we don't just allow these kinds of reviews to go public without a response I am afraid.

Your original CV was bullet-heavy, aesthetically displeasing, repetitive, poorly worded, completely missed out on a professional profile and didn't tick any of the boxes on the kind of keywords you could use to apply for the sort of job you're looking for... and that's just getting started. I am afraid I must also note that the phrase 'Ability to' was repeated 17 times across two pages.

Your new CV is a drastic and excellent overhaul and one I am sure you will find much success with when applying for jobs, especially compared with your original. We could have gone even further for you if you had given a little more detail in terms of your achievements - please feel free to get in touch any time and we'd be glad to talk about updating that or targeting it for specific jobs you'd like to apply for.
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